In 1936, Keisuke Serizawa (1895-1984) completed "Picture book Don Quijote". This book was created at the request of Carl Tilden Keller (1872-1955), who wanted a true Japanese version of the Spanish novel "Don Quijote". Serizawa painted Don Quixote in the form of a samurai wearing a kimono with a mage. He replaced other characters and landscapes with Japanese ones. And Serizawa made this book with technique called "Kappa-zuri (Japanese traditional stencil)" and coloring like "Tanroku-bon (Japanese classic books colored in red and green)". He translated "Don Quijote" not only into the characters in the story, but also into the Japanese version of the painting technique. In thought of "Mingei" he believed, beauty was familiarity. Drawing with ...